Section 2 of the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974 states that employers, must so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of all its employees.
- Safe plant and systems of work
- The safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
- The provision of all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision
- A safe place of work with safe means of access and egress
- A safe working environment.
An employer with 5 or more employees must also:
- Prepare a written statement of his general health and safety policy
- Set down the organisation and arrangements for carrying out the policy
- Revise and update when necessary
- Bring the policy and arrangements to the attention of all employees
- Acknowledge the appointment by recognised trade unions of employees safety representatives and consult on the arrangements for co-operation on safety measures and means of monitoring those safety measures
- When requested, establish safety committees.
ETR can perform a comprehensive audit of your business and its provision for Health & Safety compliance. A written policy and set of documents detailing your Health & Safety objectives for the future will be drawn up for your approval. These will form the detailed written record of how you intend to plan and conduct your business with full consideration of Health & Safety law now and in the future. We will give our recommendations for any actions / improvements we feel may be necessary for you to meet the minimum standards.
The Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP) defines terms as follows:
- PLANNING: adopting a systematic approach, identifying priorities and setting objectives to eliminate or minimise risks
- ORGANISATION: involving employees in carrying out risk assessments and implementing preventative measures, establishing effective communication, and securing competence by providing adequate information, instruction and training
- CONTROL: ensuring that H&S responsibilities are understood; activities are well co-ordinated, time and resources are available to discharge responsibilities, performance standards are met and adequate and appropriate supervision is provided
- MONITORING & REVIEW: constant development of policies, approaches and techniques. Have a plan, make adequate routine checks and inspections to ensure that all necessary control measures are in place and are suitable and sufficient. Carry out a comprehensive investigation if an accident / incident occurs, discover the immediate and underlying causes and ensure that remedial action is taken.
The audit will be measured against the standards set by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and other related legislation.